Things My Daughter Has Said
My daughter, Rosebud, is a bit of a ham. She’s always loved to sing, dance, pose for the camera, and keep us entertained. Lately, she’s said a few things I really don’t want to forget, so I’m writing them down here: The other day Rosebud and I were playing a card game together and she was getting pretty excited about it. Rosebud: I hope you lose!Me: Rosebud, be polite.Rosebud: (in her softest, sweetest voice) I hope you lose, please! She might be a little competitive, because a short while later she was playing Super Smash Brothers with her brother, Bubs, and started crying. I asked her what was wrong, and…
New Year’s Proto-Resolutions 2019
I think I do New Year’s Resolutions differently than most people. First, I usually take the first few weeks, or even months, of the year trying my hand at what I’d like to do. I kind of make proto-resolutions. For instance, if I want to work out more, I’ll go to the gym every day for a week, or once a week for a month, and I’ll try to get a feel for what’s actually going to work for me. I don’t make the “resolution” until I already have a pretty good grip on what I want to do and what I can sustain over an entire year. Then I…
What I’m Working On: Winter 2019
It’s 2019 and time for a new update! Next week I’ll be talking about my goals and resolutions for the year, but I haven’t done a “What I’m Working On” post since September, and I wanted to make sure you’re all up-to-date on my plans to take over the world latest writing projects! IN DEVELOPMENT:“ NEW! Math 125: Quantitative Reasoning and Problem SolvingCollege class for my Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing/Screenwriting. Class ends: March 2019 “Space Circus”Sci-fi novella (20-40k words) about a girl who joins a futuristic circus. Draft due: May 2019 DRAFTING PROCESS: “The Island Book”Historical fantasy (100k words) about a dryad warrior who teams up with a too-brilliant-for-his-own-good scientist in order to save their…
I Got Five MORE Rejections! (16-20)
The holidays are here and the editor’s are all trying to clean out their submission boxes, so the rejections are rolling in! This is an especially fun batch, as I have a personalized rejection, an embarrassing goof on my part, and even one rejection that made me think I might die unpublished. If I sound a little sardonic today it’s because I am. #16 Dear Christine, Thank you for giving me a chance to read [story]. I thought there was an interesting premise here, but overall the story didn’t quite win me over — I thought the narrative needed to be tighter and the POV needed to feel more non-human,…
Prophecies of Christ in the Bible and Book of Mormon: A Downloadable Christmas Program
One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is gathering as a family on Christmas Eve and reading the story of Christ’s birth. Growing up, my dad always read from the book of Luke in the Bible. A few years ago I was asked to put together a church Christmas program, and it struck me that while there are plenty of prophesies of Christ’s birth in the Book of Mormon, most members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints mimic the programs of other Christian faiths who believe the Bible to be the only word of God. Why do we do this? Directly under the cover title of…
I Got My Worst Rejection Yet! (11-15)
Feel free to skip to #15 for THE WORST ONE, hahaha. Otherwise, here are rejections 11-15 for your voyeuristic viewing pleasure. #11 Dear Christine Tyler, Thank you for sending [poem] to [venue] for consideration. We appreciated the chance to consider your poetry, but unfortunately this isn’t for us. We know that poetry comes from deeply personal and emotionally significant places, and we appreciate the care and effort that goes into writing and submitting. We relish the chance to read each submission we receive. Even though this poetry wasn’t right for us, we’re honored that you took the time to send it our way, and we wish you all the best.…
Quick! I Need Help Choosing Some Art!
I’m currently commissioning some art from the unfathomably talented Ejiwa “Edge” Ebenebe, and she’s sent me four thumbnails to choose from! It’s a portrait of my dryad character, and these are the four composition options. Use the poll below to vote and help me decide! Click on your favorite thumbnail and then submit your choice. [wpforms id=”1163″ title=”false” description=”false”] If you have some detailed opinions, I’d love to hear about them in the comments section. Such as, “do you like the overall composition better in one picture, but you like the facial features better in another? Do you like the angle of the face in one but the amount of…
NaNoWriMo Week 4: The Wrap-Up!
November is officially OVER and that means NaNoWriMo has come to a close. It also means I just completed my last “foundations” class for aerial fabrics. Gotta say, I’m more happy about one of those things ending than the other, ahhhhhhh. For those of you who have been following along, you know that “Space Circus” was the project I was working on for NaNoWriMo this year, and if you know that much, you also probably saw this coming: I didn’t get it written. Like, at all. I busted out about ten thousand words in the first few days of November and then got frustrated because they’re not just not good,…
NaNoWriMo Week 3: The Plot Thickens
At this point I’m not really sure why I’m labeling these posts as “NaNoWriMo” anything, because this has definitely been my worst NaNoWriMo ever. Wait, let me check the stats on that. Uhhh yeah. It looks like I got to 30k back in 2012. And this is what this year looks like: Here’s a graph in case my level of failure isn’t immediately apparent to you: I’m not all that bummed out about it. As I mentioned in my previous posts, I had a number of projects going at the same time and getting my daily word count in for the Space Circus ended up at the bottom of my…
NaNoWriMo Week 2: Onward and Upward!
The second full week of NaNoWriMo has come and gone, and I have a couple confessions to make. 1) I am waaay behind on my NaNoWriMo project. 2) I’m actually kind of okay with that. Here’s what’s been going on. I recently got an idea for an entirely new flash fiction piece about 1700 words long, and have spent the last few weeks drafting it, revising it, and polishing it up. It takes place in a fantasy-version of Iceland a long, long time ago. I’m submitting it for the first time today, so wish me luck! I’ve been trying to keep up with The Island Book as well, adding 600…